Information: GDPR | Cookies




General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

INSIZE Czech (hereafter the Company), spol. s r. o., with its registered office in Ivančice, Krumlovská 26, 66491, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, File 119222, as the Controller of Personal Data, hereby informs about the manner and extent of personal data processing and the rights of data subjects. This policy becomes effective on 5/25/2018. Any policy changes will always be posted on this website.

Our company processes Personal Data in compliance with the following legal regulations:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which came into effect on May 25, 2018 (GDPR). 
  • Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data, dated March 12, 2019, which came into effect on April 24, 2019, replacing Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data.
  • Act on Certain Information Society Services No. 480/2004 Coll.
  • Accounting Act No. 563/1991 Coll., as amended by later regulations
  • Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll.
  • Consumer Protection Act No. 634/1992 Coll.
  • Additionally, according to other applicable regulations.

GDPR sets new requirements for Data Controllers and Processors and refines on some existing ones. It also defines the rights of Data Subjects whose Personal Data is being processed.

We store and process Personal Data within the EU and take necessary steps to ensure the proper handling and storage of personal data, including internal procedures, guidelines and appropriate technological solutions.


Explanation of Basic Terms and Abbreviations

Explanation of Terms

Personal Data – any information about an identified or identifiable natural person (hereafter the Data Subject). Processing of personal data refers to any operation involving personal data that is carried out by the Controller intentionally, systematically and for a specific purpose, whether automated or manual.

Data Subject – an identified or identifiable natural person (existing or potential customer) whose data is processed by the Controller or Processor.

OPDP – Office for Personal Data Protection (hereafter the Office or OPDP).

DPO: Data Protection Officer – the person responsible for overseeing data protection activities.

The Data Controller is responsible for ensuring compliance with all obligations arising from the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and, in general, for the processing of personal data.

The Data Processor of personal data is an entity (legal or natural person, public authority, etc.) that carries out operations on behalf of the Data Controller, as instructed by the Data Controller.



The Company processes Personal Data (identifying information – name, surname, ID, VAT ID; contact details – phone, e-mail address, billing address; company name; and information about your orders – details of requested or ordered goods and services, information about complaints and payment methods) with the following retention periods and for the following purposes:

  1. Fulfilment of Contract, Providing of Services
  2. Personal data will be processed during negotiations for the conclusion of a contract between the Company and the Data Subject for the purpose of concluding the contract and for the duration of the contractual relationship.
  3. For the purposes of contract fulfilment, we may share personal data with third parties: Česká pošta (Czech Post), PPL, GEIS, DPD, Packeta.
  4. Fulfilment of Legal Obligations (accounting, tax, archiving, disposal, cooperation with authorities such as the police, courts, etc.).
  5. Tax documents are retained for a period of 10 years from the termination of the contract.
  6. Personal data is further processed and retained for 10 years from the year following the year in which the contract between the Company and the Data Subject was concluded (according to accounting law).
  7. To claim the rights related to defective performance, the Company is authorized to process personal, contact and identification data of the Data Subject, as well as data about goods/products/services between the Data Subject and the Company for a period of 4 years after the expiration of the warranty period. In the case of a legal dispute, this period is extended for the duration of the dispute.
  8. For the processing of accounting and tax-related matters, we may transfer personal data to a third party (processor) called DANĚ & AUDIT s.r.o.


Legitimate Interest

The legitimate interest of the Company is to send commercial communications (both general and individual) in accordance with the Act on Certain Information Society Services for the duration of the contractual relationship.

Marketing Purposes

Personal and contact information of Data Subjects is used for both general and individual commercial offers sent by the Company, including general advertising messages (both without specific targeting of a particular group of Data Subjects and after evaluating the personal aspects of Data Subjects). We send offers up to three times a month.

We obtain personal data and consent for processing directly from Data Subjects, typically during communication regarding inquiries or orders, or during personal meetings (e-mail, e-commerce, conferences, exhibitions, business meetings).

Sending of Newsletter via E-mail (Commercial Communications)

a) If you have not declined to receive commercial communications, we will send you newsletters via e-mail. 

b) If you no longer wish to receive newsletters in the future, you can unsubscribe free of charge at any time. To unsubscribe from the newsletter, you can directly contact our customer support line. You can also unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link provided in each newsletter. 

c) In the event that you unsubscribe from the newsletter, we will no longer use your electronic contacts for these purposes.


Addressed Advertising

a) Our goal is to continuously improve our services so that we can create websites that provide users with easy navigation and display advertisements that directly align with their interests. To effectively customize advertisements to your interests (for example, within newsletter communications), we use the information you provide and automatically generated information. This information may include details about your clicks, the products you have viewed on our websites, information about your computer and internet connection, data obtained from your operating system and platform, details about the date and time of your website visits and which newsletters you have opened.

b) All information we obtain in connection with addressed advertising is handled in a pseudonymized form to limit the risks associated with processing your personal data. Pseudonymized data refers to the processing of personal data in a way that makes it impossible to attribute them to a specific data subject without additional information.

c) If you do not wish to receive addressed advertising, you can reject it at any time. To withdraw your consent for our addressed advertising, you can contact our customer support line specified in the footer of these Policies.

Data Security and Retention Period

a) Your personal data is transmitted to us in an encrypted form. We use the SSL (secure socket layer) encryption system. We secure our websites and other systems through technical and organizational measures to protect your data against loss and destruction, unauthorized access, alteration, or dissemination.

b) Access to your customer account is only possible after entering your personal password. In this regard, we would like to remind you that it is necessary not to disclose your login data to third parties and after completing your activity in your customer account, always close your web browser window, especially if you are using a computer shared with other users. INSIZE Czech s.r.o. is not responsible for the misuse of passwords unless it directly caused the situation.


GDPR grants several rights to Data Subjects. These rights include the right to information about the processing of personal data, including access to a copy of the data, the right to modify or delete data, the right to data portability, the right to restrict processing, the right to object to processing and the right to withdraw consent. Additionally, Data Subjects have the right to make an objection to the Office for Personal Data Protection (OPDP) (

Data Subjects can apply their rights by contacting the company via e-mail at

We will process your request without undue delay up to one month at latest.


A cookie is a short text file that websites store when you start using these sites. For example, we measure how long you stay on a page and where you come from. This can make your next visit to the website easier and more productive. Cookies are important.

The websites use only Google applications, as well as essential technical cookies for the proper functionality of the websites. As part of improving our services to our customers and ensuring the full functionality of our websites, we collect and record certain personal data in an anonymized form, as well as other information (non-personal) data. These data and other information are used for evaluating user activity on the websites to perform statistical analysis. We take strict measures to ensure that all personal data is strictly anonymized before processing begins. To provide you with the most user-friendly websites possible, we also use services from a Provider who provides us with appropriate technical tools (tracking technologies). Tracking technologies help us understand how you use our services on our websites, so we can ensure their intuitive and easy-to-use navigation. Furthermore, they allow us to identify the products and services that interest you the most, making it easier for us to offer them to you.

We use online advertising placed on third-party websites such as Google. When you click on these ads, they are equipped with tags for measuring visitation, ad relevance and conversions. When you visit our website, we collect, gather and evaluate necessary data through pixels installed on our website ("tools"). These tools establish a connection between our website and your web browser, which sends the following information about your usage of our website.


Valid from 1/12/2023
